Treatment Sessions [updated 10/04/22]

The Covid-19 virus affects the upper respiratory tract and is spread by the viral droplets. Dental procedures that cause an aerosol to be produced are therefore more likely to cause a spread of the virus, and so extra precautions must be in place to limit that risk of spread of the virus.

Dental procedures are divided into those that generate an aerosol [AGPs], and those that do not [non-AGPs].

Examples of Non-AGPs

  • Routine examinations, and scaling, x-rays, denture production, temporary dressings, straightforward extractions.

Examples of AGPs

  • Procedures where the high speed turbine drill is used, e.g. filings, crown and bridge preparation, root canal treatment.
  • Procedures using the Airscaler, cavitron scaler , hygiene work – any scaling and polishing where “machines” are used to clean the teeth.
  • Surgical extractions.

Originally, once we re-opened after lockdown, we had to segregate treatment sessions into AGP sessions, and non-AGP sessions. This involved a lot more use of Personal Protective Equipment, and sugeries had to "remain fallow" for extended periods after AGP treatments. This had cost implications for those treatments, and the times that were available for certain treatments was therefore limited.


As new evidence has come to light, it is now not necessary to  have "fallow time" after AGP treatments, and we can use Personal Protective Equipment in a manner that patients were more familiar with pre-Covid. The benefits for this are that all the previous treatments that we offered are now available more of the time, and that the cost of leaving a surgery unused to provide the "fallow time" is negated.

Before any appointments are made, you will be provided with an estimate for the cost of that treatment, and, with your agreement, we will proceed to make those relevant appointments.