Address: | Wrington Dental Centre, Wrington, BS40 5JY |
Email: | |
Phone: | 01934 863363 |
Should any patients require urgent dental treatment or advice, please ring the practice during surgery hours, and we will endeavour to see them as soon as possible. Where possible, please ring first thing in the morning, which gives us a better chance of arranging an emergency appointment that day.
If the practice is closed, please leave a message on that answerphone, including your contact number, and our reception staff will contact you as soon as possible to attend to your problem when we re-open. All non-urgent matters [for example, cancelling an appoinment] can be dealt with by leaving a message on our practice answerphone, and we will respond as soon as the surgery re-opens. These times are available on our "Opening Hours" page.
When leaving a message, please give a brief indication of why you are ringing, for example , "broken tooth", "loose crown", "cracked denture", "cancelling an appointment". In this way our reception staff can prioritise the problem and address it accordingly.
Any person in need of EMERGENCY dental care is eligible to receive treatment from the National Health Service. This would be for EXTREME SWELLING , or EXCESSIVE BLEEDING. Emergency care only will be provided under N.H.S. regulations through a triage system.
To use this service please call:
Sensitivity to temperature that can be managed by avoiding the tooth concerned, or avoiding hot and cold items, would not be classed as an emergency. A toothache can usually be managed by taking over-the-counter pain relief, for example, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol etc. A loose crown, or one that had come out, would also not be classed as an emergency. If any of these occurred outside of our opening hours, then please leave a message on the answerphone, indicating the type of problem, and when we re-open, we will attend to your problem as soon as we are able.
Copyright © 2025 Wrington Dental Centre. All Rights Reserved